Newmarket Water

As with many Town’s, Newmarket’s water is considered safe, according to the Town of Newmarket and governing bodies.
Below is some general information about the Town of Newmarket’s water, which may be useful to local home and business owners.
This information has been provided in part by the Town of Newmarket itself.
Should I be concerned about lead in my water?
There is no indication that unacceptable levels of lead are present in Newmarket’s water. Newmarket tests for lead in the water system in accordance with provincial regulations. Since regulated lead testing came into effect five years ago, test results have consistently established that Newmarket’s lead content is below the detectable limit.
What is a safe/acceptable level of lead? What is Newmarket’s level?
The provincial standard for lead content in water is 0.01 milligrams/litre. Newmarket’s lead test results have established that Newmarket’s lead content is below the detectable limit of 0.0007 milligrams/litre.
How do I know my water is safe to drink?
The Town of Newmarket takes every precaution to ensure safe drinking water. Newmarket performs testing on 24 samples of water on a weekly basis from all areas of Town to ensure that the water is safe and clean for drinking. The water is tested for e-coli and other forms of bacteria.
Newmarket’s annual water inspection by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) found that Newmarket is 100 per cent compliant with the MOE requirements.
Who do I contact if I have a general question and/or concern about my water?
All water inquiries and concerns should be directed to the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193. If your concern is a health related issue contact York Region’s Health Connections line at 1-800-361-3653.
In general, Newmarket’s water has a reputation from local homeowners of being:
- Hard
- A little slimy
- A little rough on the skin and hair
- Causes water stain on dishes
- Causes build-up of calcium on your fixtures
- A little “chlorine-tasting” to drink
Although the water is safe by standards, Oasis by JCB Contracting Inc. would highly suggest that you consider a Water Softener Installation in your home or business.